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*Business By Design

What does a good design look like?  It depends on what you’re making:  Two wheels and a set of  pedals will give you a bicycle; for a sleek high performance automobile, much more is required.  Your business model is no different.  Every part and piece will fit together gracefully only…

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*This Microcosm We Call Business

A common defense mechanism for coping with the complexity of modern life is compartmentalization. Simply put, we may mentally and emotionally divide the parts of our lives into neat little boxes or compartments, allowing ourselves to feel as though each piece is actually separate and distinct from the others. This…

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*Invest in Infrastructure when Strategy is Pro-Growth

There are many different ways to run a business successfully.    Single operator small businesses need very little support and can generally find all the help they need to operate smoothly by utilizing independent professionals; for these mini-businesses, bookkeepers or accountants may run reports monthly and there might be an occasional visit to a lawyer.  That’s…

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*Strong Leaders Need Strong Teams

Leadership is not a one man or woman show.  Neither is it a “march of the clones.”  If we surround ourselves only with those who think and behave as we do, our management style will be flat and our teams will be one dimensional.  It’s natural to feel comfortable around…

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